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98 meg of graphics for your sales pages cd

***Note, Due to the graphic nature of this page, it may take quite some time to LOAD!***
If You're Looking For The BEST Source
Of Legal Website Images On The Net,
Then You Need The 98 Meg Pack!
Need More Graphics For Your Sales Pages?
This is the ULTIMATE Sales Page Graphic Pack - All Completely LEGAL!!!
Well, here is MY solution. I created a brand new mega pack of images for all of us to use on our sales pages! Now, there are no "people" images in here like the other package had - mainly due to image rights restrictions. But there are many other wonderful images in this package including:
Discount Bursts and other Sales Graphics!
The images in the 98 meg pack were either created by me, or compiled from Public Domain sources, where they were free of any copyright issues. No Getty, Jupiter or Corbis stock houses will be calling on you one day to say "Hey - you are using our image without permission. Pay us $1,000.00 NOW!"
And to top it off... I'm not going to charge you an arm and a leg
to get this package. You get all the images shown above,
PLUS MORE that are not even pictured here - for just $12.97!
If You Are Unhappy With Your Purchase,
We Have A Full 100% Money Back Guarantee!
For those of you who are still wondering about the "windows" and other logo images, have you ever seen those professional software boxes with a "windows or linux" image on there that shows the software is compliant with that operating system? How about websites that do this same type of thing? They are not using the images as their own PERSONAL LOGOS of course, they are only using them to show "compliancy" with a certain Operating System, Chip, or software program.
I actually have in my possession, a folder that is 15.9 meg FULL of documentation that says these images are free of copyright, and in fact ARE Public Domain. I've created some myself, like the bullets, certificates, checkboxes, arrows, etc... but, what I didn't create is completely documented. This compilation, IS however a copyrighted "compilation" - in the sense that I have added many of my own materials - and took days to check and compile the rest into one nice neat package.
So, if you should ever be challenged on the usage of any images (provided you are not attempting to use "GIMP'S image as your own personal logo for instance) - you can send them my way. I'll handle it. My contact information is included in each folder of this graphics pack... believe me - you can't miss it. Not like I'm hiding from anything. My name is stamped all over this puppy, and I'm proud of it - because I KNOW I'm LEGAL!
Here's a screen shot if you think I'm kidding:
That's right, 15.9 meg of documentation. (And no, I'm not passing it along with the package, it isn't necessary.) As long as you are intelligent enough to use common sense, you won't have any problems with these images. I've already explained that above.
Who can use these images, and what can they be used for?
Website builders can use these images on websites and direct sales pages.
Programmers can size the images down and use them in software programs they create.
Graphic Designers can use the images within their website designs, on box covers, ebook covers, and other designs.
Forum builders can resize the smiley images for example and use them as "emoticons" for the forum.
I'm sure there are many more areas that these images will come in handy that I haven't even thought of yet!
Grab this fantastic package of high quality graphic images for the one low, low price!

98 meg of graphics for your sales pages cd