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Legitimate job working from home. great for moms

I felt I needed to help out with some income for our family but ran into a couple of problems. We have five kids with two of them still at home. If I left the house to work and had to pay daycare. We figured with the drive and extra costs involved I would be bringing home about $1/ hr. I didn't think that leaving my kids was worth that. I have searched high and low for jobs working from home and I have seen (and been suckered into) several so called jobs that I never made a dime. I made 150 cross necklaces that the company didn't by back. I stuffed envelopes trying to get people to send the first person on the list money and put their name on the bottom. (How did I ever think that was gong to work.) I did make some money when I groomed dogs, decorated cakes, and babysat in my home but they were hit and miss money wise and tied me down do my house more than I wanted to be.
I have heard several times that if you have to pay a company a start-up fee to work for them they are not legitimate. That seems to be all I have seen for the most part. If you send someone $29 they will tell you how to make thousands of dollars every month with very little effort. I am not going to tell you that because that does not describe this opportunity. I am gong to tell you about a company that has absolutely no fees to work for them. I signed up, got trained and took their employment test all in the same day. Two days later I was working for them making money. Is this great money that we will retire early on? No. it isn't. I make $200 - $400 a month working often but any hours that I want. I know I could make more but I like leisure time too. I am not posting ads. I am not selling anything. I am just sitting in front of my laptop working. I do this during the day while I am sitting in my living room watching my babies play. I do it in the evening while my hubby and I are watching TV. It is really easy and takes no real brains. There is good training and great support once you are hired. They have contests and bonuses often to add to your income.
Again... You will not get rich doing this. You will just add a couple hundred bucks to your income for Christmas presents, vacations, massages, or things like the electric bill. The one thing that I have to disclose is that you can't be highly offended at bad language or other people's personal information. I see it daily. I don't share my personal life or cuss but I am certainly exposed to it. Let me assure you this isn't any kind of bad website. The website is actually helping people all day (and night) long.

Legitimate job working from home. great for moms